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Research for Development
Research for Development     
Issues of Blood
Taboo © Posy Simmonds 1983     
From Issues Of Blood     


Research for Development: a practical guide (2013) second edition (with Caroline Harper, Nicola Jones and Rachel Marcus), Sage. Out now, 2013.
View details and order a copy (PDF)
Research for Development offers a comprehensive guide to commissioning, managing and undertaking research in development work. It serves both as a practical reference manual and an indispensable learning tool.
This fully revised second edition also includes a new section on how to use the internet for research. Its 16 chapters are enriched by a variety of international case studies, checklists of key points, learning exercises, helpful references to further reading and engaging illustrations. The book also includes a detailed glossary of terms.
Drawing on considerable hands-on experience, Research for Development is an ideal practical companion for students of development studies and public policy, as well as practitioners in the field.
See details on the Sage website
See reviews on the Sage website (scroll down to view)
Cover image © Jenny Matthews / World Vision / PhotoVoice
From the See it Our Way project, Pakistan | For more information visit

So you want to involve children in research? (with Gillian Mann), part of Supporting children's meaningful and ethical participation in work around violence against children, a series of toolkits produced by Save the Children for the UN Study, Save the Children Sweden, 2004.
Click here to download the report from Save the Children website

Hear me! Consulting young people on mental health services, Mental Health Foundation, 1998.

Consulting children and young people on what they want from mental health services, Mental Health Care (now Mental Health Today), Vol 2 No 2, October 1998, pp63-66.


Concurrent Planning Study: report, (with Rebekah Wilson and Sumi Rabindrakumar), Coram 2012.
See link

An Innovative Approach to Practice Improvement in Private Law Casework: Learning from the Coram@Cafcass Pilot Scheme, Presentation to Cafcass Research Conference 2010 (with Andrew Burroughs, Sarah Jones and Danya Glaser).

How primary schools can contribute towards community cohesion, for the London Borough of Hackney/Learning Trust, 2010.

'Advocacy for children in Family Group Conferences: reflections on personal and public decision-making', in A Handbook of Children's Participation: perspectives from theory and practice, edited by Barry Percy-Smith and Nigel Thomas, Routledge, 2008 (with Perpetua Kirby).
See the book at the Routledge website

'At the Table or Under the Table? Children's Participation in Family Group Conferences - A Comparative Study of the Use of Professional Advocates and Family Supporters', pp81-98 in Developing Advocacy for Children and Young People: current issues in research, policy and practice, (eds Christine M. Oliver and Jane Dalrymple), 2008, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (With Perpetua Kirby.)
Available from Jessica Kingsley Publishers

'The patient's experience of being a human research subject', The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2008, 101 416-422, (with Susan Kerrison, Assistant Director of Research and Development, Joint UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Unit and Mary Cane).
Available from the JSRM website

"It's only a blood test": what people know and think about venepuncture and blood (with Naomi Pfeffer), Social Science and Medicine, No 62, 2006, pp3011-3023.
Click here for an abstract

Children and young people's views on health and health services: a review of the evidence (with Nicola Madge, Steve Flood and Deborah Loeb), National Children's Bureau for the Department of Health, 2005.
Click here to download a PDF of the report (382Kb)

When children affected by war go home: Lessons learned from Liberia (with Krijn Peters, principal author, and Edwin Dorbor), Save the Children UK, 2003.
Download the summary or the full report on Save the Children's website

Parents' views of Sure Start Copenhagen: a qualitative evaluation, National Children's Bureau, 2003.

Seeing Red, article in Sue Scott and Stevi Jackson (eds), Gender: a sociological reader, Routledge, 2002.
See this book on the Routledge website

Looking after children within the extended family: carers' views, in (ed) Bob Broad, Kinship Care: the placement choice for children and young people, Russell House Publishing, 2001.
See used copies on Amazon

Pride and Prejudice: working with lesbian and gay young people, Save the Children, 1999.

Time to Listen: Young people's views of Bolton's mental health services: a peer research project, (with Dan Armitt, Wendy Metzendorf, Paula Percival and Jacquie Reisel), Save the Children, 1999.
Buy this book on Amazon

The 'single mothers' debate: a children's rights perspective, in eds Janet Holland and Lisa Adkins, Sex, Sensibility and the Gendered Body, Explorations in Sociology 46, British Sociological Association / Macmillan, 1996.

Issues of Blood: the Politics of Menstruation, Macmillan, 1990.
See this book on the Palgrave Macmillan website

The Sexual Politics of Premenstrual Tension, Women's Studies International Forum, January, Vol 6, No 1, 1983. (Awarded a Distinguished Publication Award by the US Association for Women in Psychology, 1984).


Publications for the United Nations Study on Violence against Children
Toolkit on involving children in research, workshop report and four child-friendly documents.
See the UN Study on Violence Against Children


Piecing it together: feminist perspectives after September 11
After September 11 2001 and the subsequent attack on Afghanistan, I edited with Helen Lowe a special issue of the feminist magazine Trouble and Strife reflecting on the issues raised.
Click here for more details and downloads